The first batch of QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW for donors and those who requested direct QSL cards, as per the QSL information posted in the LOG & QSL section of this expedition website.
20 Dec 2024
Both AU2K and AU2S operations have been now approved toward IOTA credits by the IOTA Management Team. As such, QSL cards can be now ordered via Club Log's OQRS. Please read the QSL instructions on this website before placing an order. Note that donors will be provided with automatic direct QSL cards, as well as LoTW uploads, as indicated in the respective policy.
17 Dec 2024, 01 UTC
Both AU2K and AU2S logs have been uploaded to Club Log. However, OQRS functionality has not been enabled. This will be done after both operations will be validated by the IOTA Management Team. Cezar will submit the two reports in the Monday of Dec 17, local time in VE3. Before enabling the logs for OQRS, he will also update the QSL information on the Log & QSL section of this website.
10 Dec 2024, 15:30 UTC
This morning we went to check various other possible places to stay in. After visiting four such guesthouses, we concluded that the one we picked up last night was actually the best all around, and it was highly unlikely that the noise level coming from the power lines, transformers, and LED lights would be significantly lower that what witnessed last night. As such, we decided to stay put.
Then, we decided to operate on 10 m CW and 15 m FT8. After dark, both bands kept running nicely for a while, and we stayed with them. Since operating 20 CW was virtually impossible under the consideration noise level, we chose to run FT8 on 20 m for a little while, to offer a few more NA stations a chance at logging us on AS-153.
Tomorrow we plan to operate SSB on 10 and maybe 15 m too. Operating either CW or SSB won't be possible after dark, once the noise level will increase considerably.
10 Dec 2024, 1:00 UTC
We arrived on Sagar after a very long voyage, despite the only 120 km that separate the island from Kolkata. It was a 4.5 hours drive, then moving the equipment to the pier, boarding the boat and landing on the island, after which we had to find transportation to the accommodation, which is at the south end of the island. We left Kolkata at 9:30 am and arrived at the island hotel at 7 pm local time.
After installing one antenna, we realized that the noise level is high very, about S7. There are lots of large LED street lamp posts, plus a few transformers around, so we couldn't copy but only the strongest signals. However, in the morning, when we started to operate again, just before sunrise, when the LED lamp posts were no longer lit up, we were surprised that we didn't notice any chance in the noise floor. Meanwhile, we noticed that the planetary index K was between 3 and 4 over the last 9 hours. We plan to look for a different accommodation site, at least to test if may result in some improvement. This being said, we will continue to operate to see how the noise level affects other bands during the day.
8 Dec 2024, 1:30 UTC
The return to Dhamara was uneventful. It took a little over 3 hours to take down the camp, and move everything to the boat. Packing started the afternoon of the day prior, as everything had to be separated into two transports: one that we'll be shipped to Hyderabad, and the other than we need to along with us to Sagar.
We had been working in the evening a little bit on putting the logs together. We haven't removed yet some dupes in short time span, but even with those removed, the total number of contacts will be over 10,000, with about 5000 unique stations in over 100 DXCCs. This includes over 250 contacts we made on 6 m. The final tally will be announced on this website in due course. Prior to publishing the log, we will have to prepare and submit the necessary documentation to the IOTA management team for the validation of this operation toward IOTA credits. The same will have to happen for the upcoming operation from Sagar island. Please note that the team is currently focused on the activities associated with this island back on the air. In any case, we plan to have both logs uploaded at Club Log after some additional checking right after Cezar's return back home on Dec 16. QSL requests, however, will be accepted only after the IOTA management will have approved these operations.
We understand that many of you are impatient but please wait on sending any requests until Cezar's return back home and the upload of the logs. If the IOTA management approves both of these activities, QSO matching will be open starting Jan 2 for AS-179 and Jan 9 for AS-153, via LoTW, starting with those requesting direct confirmation using Club Log's OQRS. More information on this will be published on this website after the Sagar activity.
5 Dec 2024, 18:00 UTC
We kept logging contacts today, aiming to increase their number in SSB. Unfortunately, we were defeated by the lack of good high-power BPS filters. Despite various changes in equipment, the results were such them we regretfully couldn't operate more than one station in SSB at one time. Needless to say, we ended up spending a lot of time on this. In any case, the tests determined without a doubt that the RM Italy amplifier was splattering badly, and so we eliminated it.
At night, the local port, which is located a mere kilometer away or so, is lit up by a myriad of high-power halogen light and put up a significant electrical noise, which makes decoding in CW and SSB very difficult. The saving grace is the FT8, which does not appear to be affected. As such, some of us decided to take some rest for a few hours and check the situation before sunrise, leaving just one station, operating FT8 on 40m. During the day we used 400W on one station and under 300W on the other for CW and SSB, and between 150 and 200W in FT8. The legal power in VU is 400W.
We hope that all of those who wanted to log us made it at least one contact in either of the modes. However, we will continue to look for those who still need a first contact with us.
4 Dec 2024, 3:00 UTC
It is 8:30 am and here is a brief update. Beginning last evening our time we have some incredible noise on all bands from 15 to 40 m, between S7 and S9. This affected our ability to operate CW and SSB, but we continued with limited FT8. The CW operator fell sick with a nasty cold, the result of continuously staying in a strong current the day before. The combination of the two, the incredibly high nose floor and the cold determined him to go to bed very early. The rest of the operators didn't stay late either, because of the high noise level on the bands. After a good night sleep, the CW operator woke up feeling better and operated for very short periods of time on 40, 30, and 17 m making a few contacts with NA and SA. Meanwhile, the other guys were already on 20 m FT8, and made quite a few contacts with NA!
The very fine sand is blown continuously by the wind, and since the tent has wide portions open to allow us to get into the operations area, as well as into the sleeping area, it ended up covering everything in a pretty thick layer. Every now and then we need to dust it away, but it will only take a little bit to get it back.
We will continue to give everyone a chance at working AS-179, but will take time to look for NA and SA stations, for which the paths are the most difficult. We have close to 4000 QSOs in the log, and had the noise floor been lower last night, we should have been able to hit 5000 by now. About 45% of all contacts are in FT8. Make about 230 QSOs on 6 m with lots of stations from Asia, making it as far as Guam. Cezar intends to stay up tonight, and check the the noise floor from time to time in hope that at some point will drop.
1 Dec 2024, 15:00 UTC
Propagation was good this morning (local time) on 6m, and worked lots of stations using a rather simple inverted V and 80w. We obviously have no idea if the propagation conditions on 6m will hold, but we built a 4-el yagi which will plan to install 8 m high.
As indicated in the Equipment section, we will operate one station is CW and one in SSB, with two stations in FT8, one on the HF bands and the other on 6m if the propagation conditions permit. Given the good propagation conditions we experienced today on 6m, we made a change of plans, and decided to use MSHV for FT8 on 6m, because it will allow us to run more than one stream. We had a good run today on two streams, logging stations from BY, HL, JA, VR2, etc.
1 Dec 2024, 03:30 UTC
Team members arrived in Dhamara yesterday, early afternoon local time. The original plan was to carry out final preparations today, and depart to the island tomorrow, early morning local time, in order to arrive there at high tide. There is no pier on the island, and the only time to land is at high tide, as making our way through the mud at other times would be impossible. We tried to arrange for going to the island one day earlier, but after a lot of discussion, the conclusion was that it won't be possible due to conflicting schedules of those helping us out.
As such, we will build and test a small 6m 3-el yagi antenna today, preparing it for a possible 6m activity. Everything else is ready, and so are we. The team will use WSJT-X and operate FT8 F/H on the HF bands, and FT8 simple on 6m (50.313 MHz). We will not operate on regular HF FT8 frequencies, and will attempt to post the actual FT8 frequency before starting activity on that band. The approximate station locations for each island operation have been posted on QRZ, along with the respective grid square.
26 Nov 2024
Cezar arrived in India and met with Sarath. Licensing authority confirmed the allocation of the special callsign AU2S for the upcoming activity from Sagar Island, AS-153.
17 Nov 2024
Cezar will travel to the Toronto Airport by bus, in the afternoon of Nov 24, and overnight at one of the airport hotels. He will fly to India in the morning of Nov 25, first to New Delhi, then to the city of destination, where is scheduled to arrive in the evening of Nov 26 and meet with Sarath. The two will go over the list of components and logistical plans. Adersh and Anil will arrive a couple of days later, and together, the team will check all equipment and camping materials, making final purchases in Bhubaneswar, before heading out to Dhamara. Final logistical preparations will be carried out on Dec 1, and landing on Kanika Island is scheduled for the morning of Dec 2.
The team will operate from Kanika between Dec 2 and 7. After leaving Kanika, the team will pack all components that are not needed for Sagar, ship them to Guntur, and overnight in Dhamara. Next day the operators will travel to Kolkata, and then to Sagar Island. We decided that we will overnight on Dec 9 at one of the local hotels / guest houses, and depending on the level of electrical noise either continue from there or move to another island location. The operation from Sagar will end on Dec 13.
7 Nov 2024
Providing that the AU2K operation remains on track and is successful, the team is considering the possibility of operating from Sagar Island, AS-153. This IOTA reference in the rarest among the VU ones, in demand by 83% of the IOTA chasers. We have applied today for a special callsign, which will be announced on this website once issued. The operation will be carried out by the entire team, using the same equipment employed in the AU2K project. Sagar is a densely inhabited island, which can have an adverse effect on the local noise level. Rest assured that we will be looking for a good location. The operation is tentatively scheduled between Dec 10 and 13.
4 Nov 2024
It took a couple of weeks for Sarath to finally receive from the bank, due to high bureaucracy, the funds that Cezar wired him lately. While we have all the major radio components, there are various electrical components and accessories that are purchased now, based on an itemized list that has been established. All the heavy components that cannot be taken with us on the plane will be shipped to Bhubaneswar in advance, where they will be stored until our arrival in a secured room that we rented for this purpose. Camping equipment, including furniture and accessories, will be purchased in Bhubaneswar, before heading to Dhamara.
28 Oct 2024
Cezar (VE3LYC) purchased his return plane ticket, and he will arrive in India on Nov 26. This will allow our team sufficient time to double check that everything needed for this project is tested and functions as intended.
Following Frank's departure, the project is financed by Cezar. Our team worked on adjusting the budget to current conditions, and found ways to reduce some costs, but the overall reduction is relatively small. Apart from Frank's travel, this includes purchasing a less expensive type of new generators, and using tents locally available. Worth noting, we decided to leave in place all the contingencies already incorporated, including emergency evacuation by high speed boat, if needed.
23 Oct 2024
We are very pleased to report that several organizations have already responded positively to our grant applications by accepting to support this project. We wish to assure them, as well as all individual donors mentioned on this page of our deep gratitude for their generous assistance.
We already placed orders for two new 2kW inverter generators, two 40 m 12 AWG power cables, as well as coaxial cables, various radio accessories, and camping gear. After the expedition, these components will be donated to the Amateur Radio Association of Guntur, for their future IOTA and other expeditions.
2 October 2024
Due to family and work issues, Frank (DL4KQ), who was the initiator of this project and worked tirelessly to see it through, will not be able to travel to India as planned. The team considered postponing the project, in order to ensure that Frank will be able to join in, but concluded that such an action offers no guarantee that all the necessary time sensitive approvals which have already been difficultly obtained will be re-issued at a later time. We deeply regret this situation, and wish to express our gratitude to Frank for his decision to have the team continue his efforts to bring this project to life.
23 September 2024
A second reconnaissance mission took place today, carried out by Sarath (VU2RS), who was accompanied by an official from the Department of Forestry (DoF), as well as by one of the local rangers. They identified an area on the north beach, located between a flooded zone at high tide and the forest, for which the DoF will issue a camping and overnight permit to our team. Worth noting, no crocodiles were spot during this second trip to Kanika. Meanwhile, we learned that wildlife also includes foxes and snakes, although these animals tend to stick to the forested areas. Specific safety measures against the wildlife have been discussed with the ranger, and will be re-iterated before we'll head out.
27 Aug 2024
This project comes with a budget of $18,000, and we seek support to defray some of our costs. All group and individual donors will be acknowledged on this page, as well as in the "Donors & Support" section of this website.
21 Aug 2024
Team requested and received today the special callsign AU2K from the licensing authority!
Anticipated time schedule (to be confirmed in due course):
Nov 30: Operators meet in Bhubaneswar, where various components of equipment and camping gear will be shipped in advance. They will rent cars and travel to Dhamara, where they will overnight.
Dec 1: Final check in Dhamara of the equipment and camping gear, and preparation of the necessary water, food, and fuel supplies.
Dec 2 to 7: Operate from the island.
Dec 8 and 9. Travel from Dhamara to Bhubaneswar, after which team members will return back home.
25 Jul 2024
A team composed of four operators plans to activate Kanika Island, AS-179 New. This uninhabited island is located in the eastern part of India, at about 21N and 87E, in the state of Odisha (Orissa). The weather is typically hot outside of the monsoon season, with temperatures of 32-34C and moderate humidity. Kanika lies only 5 km north of the Bhitarkanika National Park, a wildlife reserve which attracts numerous tourists due to its famous seawater crocodiles.
The island has an elliptical shape with a large NW-SE axis of 12 km, and a small SW-NE axis of 3 km. The island was formed about 70 years ago from accumulation of silt. Vegetation includes large swats of mangroves, as well as recently planted trees by the Department of Forestry, in an effort to stabilize the soil. Almost the entire island is either submerged or regularly flooded by the 3.8 m high tide. What remains above water forms an approximately 7 km long by 80 to 200 m wide crescent-shaped beach from NW to SE. The highest point reaches 8 m above sea level on the east side of the island. It is the oldest, most stable, and widest beach on Kanika. A time lapse video of the northern part of the island over a 5-year period from 2020 and 2024 shows how drastically the shape of the bordering beach changed during this time.
Kanika Island is bordered from NW to SE by a long and narrow beach.
Our team carried out a reconnaissance mission on site in early May, and identified a possible place to camp on its northern shore. No crocodiles were seen around the northern beach during the very short reconnaissance trip, but it is possible that they could come in at any time. Therefore, we will retain the services of local rangers, at cost, who are accustomed to the presence of wildlife in the nearby National Park. They will ensure our safety for the entire duration of our stay on the island.
The radio operation is scheduled for five full days, during the first week of December. The team has established contacts with the locals, who will provide the necessary food, water, and fuel supplies, as well as transportation to and from the island. Two rangers per shift will ensure guarding services, and will be rotated on a daily basis. Our team will take care of their daily transportation back and forth between the mainland and the island.
As a first step, according to the provisions of the Indian licensing authority, each operator had to be in the possession of a VU amateur radio license, and all team members fulfill this requirement now. Second, the team applied to the licensing authority for a special callsign, and is waiting for their decision. Third, once the special callsign is approved, the team will apply for the necessary permit to camp and overnight on the island. Stay tuned!
Check also the following DX resources:
Thank you for your trust and support!
The list below shows support received prior to the expedition. Note that later support is included in the section Donors & Support.
9A2AA - Tom AA5JF - Andy AB5EB - Mike AB5EU - Trevor AF2F - Vlad CT4NH - Luis DK6NJ - Helmut DL4KQ - Frank DL6JGN - Hans DS4DRE - Kang DS5ACV - Jong E72U - Vedad EA3JL - Vic EA8AKN - Tony EI7CC - Peter F4GYM - Fabien F6BFH - Alain G3UHU - Dave G4BWP - Fred HA5JP - Attila HB9TKS - Joe HS0ZIV - Helmut I1JQJ - Mauro I2YDX - Joe I4GAD - Enrico I4GAS - Gastone I8DVJ - Vittorio IK1ADH - Valeria IN3ASW - Gianni IT9DAA - Corrado IZ2AMW - Paolo JA1SKE - Isao JA4GXS - Kenji JA7BWT - Aki JE3GUG - Eichi JF2UPM - Kei JF7RJM - Nao JH1OAI - Aki JH2RMU - Aki JH2XQY - Taka JK1KSB - Oku JL1QDO - Sei JM1PXG - Toshi JN3SAC - Yano JO1CRA - Hide JP7EIP - Ned K1HTV - Rich K1OA - Scott K1ZN - Jeff K4KKL - Mike K4WA - Steve K6FW - Frank K9AJ - Mike KD1CT - Bob KE9L - Skip KP4PK - Greg LA8DW - Karl N3NT - Craig N4II - Ed N7RO - Dick N9EAJ - John NN7A - Art NW7M - Alex OE2VEL - Wolf OE3EVA - Ernst OE3GCU - Gunther OE3RPB - Reinhard OE3SGA - Gus OE3WWB - Willy OE6IMD - Michael OH2BCK - Ulf OH2BF - Erkki OZ1HPS - Lars OZ4O - Ole PA3EXX - Johan PB1TT - Peter PE1NCP - Mart S57L - Janko SM3DMP - Tom SM3EVR - Tord SM5LNE - Jan SM6CMU - Ingemar SM6CVX - Hans SP5APW - Jacek UN7JX - Nick VA3DXA - Peter VA7DXX - Dave VE3JV - Wayne VE3ORY - Rick VE3VHB - Mike VE7DP - Frank VE7JH - Gabor VE7QCR - Pat VK3QI - Peter VK5MAV - Andy VU2CDP - Deepak W1NG - Ken W4DKS - Dan W5BOS - Lanny W5GAI - Skip W5PF - Paul W6ESL - Tom W7BEM - Chip W8JRK - Joe WD8PKF - Alan